Združenie pre aktuálne umenie a kultúru


Domaine Pommery / Reims, 13.6.2008 – 30.6.2009

Na medzinárodnú výstavu súčasného umenia, ktorá sa uskutočnila v rámci francúzskeho predsedníctva EU v Domaine Pommery v Reims (FR), hlavný kurátor a šéfredaktor časopisu Beaux Arts Fabrice Busteau oslovil šéfredaktorov európskych kultúrnych časopisov, aby kurátorovali výber lokálnych umelcov. Slovensko zastupoval časopis 3/4, ktorý vydáva Atrakt Art. V rámci výstavy sa prezentoval s novým interaktívnym dielom Time Capsule Zdeno Hlinka a tiež Anetta Mona Chisa a Lucia Tkáčová.

“From July 1st through December 31st 2008, France assumed the presidency of the European Union, which – with the recent entry of Romania and Bulgaria – has grown to 27 countries and now stretches from the Atlantic to the Black Sea, from the West to the East. Domaine Pommery and Beaux Arts magazine have decided to transform this political event into an artistic one by producing the exhibition “Art in Europe” that will be held from June 13th through December 31st 2008.

The fifth important show of contemporary art to be held at Domaine Pommery -coming after the 2007 exhibition “The Power of Place”: A proposal by Daniel Buren” – “Art in Europe” analyzes the state of European artistic creation today, at the time of the extension of the European Union, by presenting an overview of its trends, themes and key players. In order to convey the reality of this multi-faceted artistic scene as accurately as possible, Domaine Pommery and Beaux-Arts Magazine have invited the leading European contemporary art magazines to each select two of the finest young artists in their countries. Fifty artists and the same number of works of art that reflect the vitality of 27 national scenes will be exhibited, testifying to the exuberance and richness of art “made in Europe”.

By making art magazines and their editors in chief the main curators of this exhibition, “Art in Europe” intends not only to present artistic creation from the perspective of the actors in the field of art in each country, but also to highlight the wealth of critical thought on contemporary art. The exhibition catalogue will contain articles written by all of the curators on the situation of art today in their countries, thus providing a fully developed exploration of these theories in all their diversity.

“Art in Europe”- carrying on the tradition of the two preceding editions of “Art in the World” organized by Beaux Arts magazine in 1998 and 2000 – is part of the European Cultural Season organized by Culturesfrance from July 1st through December 31st 2008.”

Zúčastnení umelci / časopisy:

Nemecko / Artist Kunstmagazin
Michael Sailstorfer, Astrid Nippoldt

Rakúsko / Frame
Julie Monaco, Judith Fegerl

Belgicko / A Prior
Sophie Nys, Sven Augustijnen

Dánsko / Øjeblikket
Mette Winckelmann, Nanna Debois Buhl

Estónsko /
Kristina Norman, Raul Keller

Fínsko / Taide
Adel Abidin, Terike Haapoja

Grécko / Highlights
Eleni Kamma, “Personal Cinema” & “the Erasers”

Maďarsko / Balkon
Dorottya Szabó, Andrea Huszár

Írsko / Circa
Linda Quinlan, Nicholas Keogh + Paddy Bloomer

Lotyšsko / Studija
Katrina Neiburga, Miks Mitrevics

Luxembursko / NICO
Marco Godinho, Su-Mei Tse

Holandsko / Metropolis M
Falke Pisano, Renzo Martens

Portugalsko / L + Arte
João Pedro Vale, João Maria Gusmão + Pedro Paiva

Česká republika / Umělec
Jana Kalinova, Matej Smetana

Rumunsko / Vector Magazine
Dan Acostioaei, Bogdan Teodorescu

Slovensko / 3/4
Anetta Mona Chisa & Lucia Tkáčová, Zdenko Hlinka (Zden)

Švédsko / Paletten
Lisa Jonasson, Mandana Moghaddam

Španielsko / Lapiz
Enrique Marty, Abi Lazkoz

Slovinsko / Maska
Luizia Margan & Miha Presker, Groupe Absurd (Jure Legac & Peter Kostrun)

a ďalej:
Litva / CAC Interviu – Taliansko / Flash Art – Veľká Británia / Art Review – Poľsko / Arteon – Bulharsko – Cyprus – Malta

Miesto konania:
Domaine Pommery
5, place du Général Gouraud
51100 Reims